IVC CLUB Tryouts 2025

Welcome to IVC!

The dates below are not finalized by the region however, if going by previous years arrangements the TRYOUT date will be July 12th/13th.

Please plan to be in town for this!!!

We have been good about working around peoples plans in the past but for any girls entering grades 9-12 the tryout process will be changed up a bit from the previous years.

IVC has grown so much over the last 7 years and we thank you for your athlete's participation. We have so many talented athletes within our organization as well as around the East Texas area.

Grades 5th-8th will follow our normal routine. We will provide a few options for tryouts and will take into account many things as we pick teams such as school districts, multi-sport athletes, coach preferences will be looked at and schedule requests will be thought over.

*this year new to IVC: if you can not make 1 day of a multi day tournament then you will sit out the entire tournament.

*this year if you do not attend the practice before your team goes to a tournament you will sit out at-least 1 set of the tournament.

*this year if you do not give at least a 12 hour notice that you will be missing practice you will a have consequence to complete before rejoining the next scheduled practice ex:10 down and backs

each violation will result in a build up of consequences.

*we understand life is busy and that the kids are into many things BUT this is a team sport. When the whole team doesn’t show up it effect’s the practice negatively.

HIGH SCHOOL!!! 15U (9th grade) and up......we are planning to have 1 and only 1 tryout time. We will see every athlete at once over a 2 hour tryout slot.

We will post results by position. The top 2 girls will be selected for the National-1s team, second 2 girls will be offered the National-2s and so forth.

Girls will be able to tryout for any or all of the following:

4-pin hitters


2-middle hitter/blockers


*1 possible utility player

**positions are subject to change during the season regardless of what they were brought to the team as.

We do not expect any less from our National-2s team than we would from our National-1s.

We have really worked hard over all these years to be where we are in this business and create a great family atmosphere among all our teams. We understand that every player must do what they feel is best for themselves, but we would love to see all our girls return to IVC on any team they make.

We do feel like we have always been very upfront and honest with all of you that inquire about concerns. We want to make sure you know that regardless of the team we will continue to put the girls in competitive tournaments that will further their volleyball career to the next level if that's what they are striving for.

We will end up losing customers that get their feelings hurt that their daughter maybe wasn't in the top 2 or maybe even top 4 of the position they wanted. I hope that you can understand that overall making a 2nd or 3rd team isn't bad when we have close to 50-60 girls trying out per age group.

Again, we expect nothing less than you advocating and doing what you think is best for your family. We hold all our players close to us and are proud to have them in our program. We hope with our new structure that we continue to see growth within our program and the East Texas area in general.


  1. Practices? we have our own facilities, so we do not JUST have practice on Sundays and Wednesdays. The coaches get to ask for times and days that fit their schedule.
  2. Tournaments? we signup for competitive tournaments mostly within the North Texas Region (Dallas). We like to also visit areas such as Waco, College Station, and Louisiana. We offer all teams a chance to extend their season by adding tournaments and possibly even going to a National qualifier and or Nationals for USAV or AAU.
  3. Prices? Your team price is given to you in your offer letter. You are billed monthly and electronically using our payment system. All your dues are set to be paid off by December 1st. We will work with you if you need to extend it but that's on a case-to-case basis. Besides your USAV/AAU membership our team price is all inclusive. You will see one price and pay that. THIS YEAR the National-1s teams will have a qualifier and/or Nationals included in the overall price. So, if you do not plan to travel in the summer and to another state, please make sure we know you do not want to be on the National-1s team.


Prices last year started at around $1200 for 11U and went up to $2000 for 18U.

Price includes the uniform package (2 personalized jerseys, 2 personalized warm up shirts, 2 practice shirts, and a set of sleeves). Backpacks, shoes, shorties are all individually purchased at parents will.

This year we are providing more opportunities for high school age players to participate in extra skill practices and recruiting help (as needed per player).

The link above will take you to the North Texas Region rankings. This can give you an idea of how the team performed 2024-2025. If the team shows to have not that many tournaments it's because the team did tournaments outside of this region (Waco, College Station, Louisiana).

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